About This Project

The IPI database contains summaries of research articles on pesticides, their effects on invertebrates, and pesticide movement in the environment. Articles have been reviewed and summarized to highlight key findings by Xerces Society staff.

The database is not comprehensive. It includes a selection of recent articles (primarily since 2015), with new studies added as they become available. If you would like to recommend an article for inclusion here, please contact us at [email protected].

Searching the Database

To search the database, you may enter search terms separated by a comma in the search bar (for example, "neonicotinoids, bees"). Search terms may include chemical class, active ingredient, species name (common or scientific), journal, author, or other key words. Alternately, you may use the links provided to view articles grouped by pesticide type or invertebrate.


The Xerces Society has produced several fact sheets, reports, and guidelines to inform conservation efforts to protect invertebrates from pesticides, including How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees and Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Effects of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Agriculturally Important Beneficial Insects. For information about these and other resources addressing pesticide impacts and alternatives, visit xerces.org/pesticides/.